Want to Actually Look Like You Work Out?

Discover How a Customized Workout Plan You Create in Under 30 Minutes Can Transform Your Body.


Want to Actually Look Like You Work Out?

Discover How a Customized Workout Plan You Create in Under 30 Minutes Can Transform Your Body.

If you are like most women I work with…

...you would love to slide your “after” picture next to your “before” and see a physique change.

You know that aligning your workouts with your goals is crucial to adding muscle or losing fat (or both!). That’s because…

  • Building muscle is the ONLY way to speed up your metabolism and get the toned look you want.  
  • Plus, a faster metabolism accelerates fat loss (because muscle requires more calories than fat at rest), which means quicker results while eating more food.

Um…. Yes, please! 

PLUS, it's freakin' empowering to walk around and just FEEL strong.

But just because you know it's important doesn't mean you know how to get started.

And I don't have to tell you that working out without a plan is probably the least effective way to use your precious time.

You only have so many hours in the day. If you use some of those to exercise, you want to make sure it's actually making a difference and accelerating your results.

That’s precisely why I created

Build Your Workouts.

Build Your Workouts

isn’t a generic workout program you purchase and mindlessly follow.

There are already thousands, if not millions, of programs like that.

Of course, spending money and having someone tell you what to do can seem enticing...until you realize the hidden cost.

Often, the program you spend money, effort, and time on, while it may make you sweat, isn’t changing your physique.

I’ve been there! 

  • I taught group fitness classes for eight years. I loved it. I felt like I got a good workout because it was hard, and I sweated a lot.
  • One day, it hit me - even though I was going to the gym 5-6 days a week, my body hadn’t changed for years.
  • I realized that doing random workouts wouldn’t give me the physique changes I wanted—I needed a training plan.

I realized that if I wanted to lose fat, gain muscle, and see visible progress when I looked in the mirror, I needed to stop working harder and instead work much smarter.

Everything changed when I learned to create a customized training plan aligned with my physique goals.

Finally, the time I spent in the gym was rewarded with visual progress. I could see the muscle I was building.

I was hooked.

And so rather than just create another lifting program like all the millions that have been created before, I thought,

“What if I did something totally different? What if I gave women the tools, understanding, and support to confidently build their own plan 100% customized to their goals, their bodies, and the equipment they have available to them?"

In other words, what if, instead of just handing out cookie-cutter workouts, I gave you the tools to create your own customized programming?

Then, you'll be able to... 

  • Build a program that is 100% customized to your goals, equipment, and schedule.
  • Make a one-time investment instead of paying after month after month.
  • Adjust your programming over time as your goals change.
  • Confidently vet other done-for-you programs so you invest in quality programming.

And building your customized workout plan doesn’t take that long…

"I Built My Program In Under 30 Minutes!


This could mean a new door is opened for you!

A door that would allow you to create customized programming or, at the very least, make you a savvy consumer who doesn’t waste her money on poor-quality programs (there are many of them out there with flashy marketing and terrible programming).

It’s like eating healthy food. 

Can you outsource your healthy food and get a company to deliver it to you? Of course!

But don't you have to be able to vet the companies who all want to sell you their food? Don't you have to know what's healthy and what's not so you can pick the right company to trust with your health?

It’s the same thing with your workout plan.

Do you need a personal trainer certification and know how to implement undulating periodization or run a microcycle to be a savvy consumer when you invest in a workout program?

Of course not.

However, to avoid being duped, you need to understand progressive overload, how much cardio your body needs, and the ideal split for your goals. 

Whether you want to create your customized workout plan confidently or just want to be a more informed consumer so you stop wasting time and money on purchasing programs that are ineffective for your goals, Build Your Workouts is for you.


"My Workouts Are Way More Effective and Shorter Thanks To BYW”

"My Workouts Are Way More Effective and Shorter Thanks To BYW”

If you want a toned body but need help figuring out where to start, this program is for you!

"BYW Helped Me Feel Confident In Doing My Own Programming"

Here's What You Can Expect:

LIFETIME Access To Build Your Workouts:


Workshop-Style Videos

  • You’ll learn how to build a customized workout plan and do it with me. In less than two hours, you’ll know everything you need to create a confident training program.


Plug-And-Play Templates

  • If you can fill in the blank you can create your customized training plan. 
  • And because you’ll have all the tools and understanding of how to make an effective workout plan, you can reuse these templates over and over again, which means your investment only needs to be made once.


Build Multiple Training Blocks

  • Everything is reusable for subsequent training blocks and every new goal you set.

What You’ll Learn:

  • The number of days YOU should train.
  • The number of days YOU should do cardio and weightlifting.
  • What type of cardio is best for YOU.
  • How to select the best workout split for YOU.
  • How to decide YOUR lifts, reps, and sets.
  • How to put it all together for your first 100% customized training block.

This program isn’t like a boring college lecture where you just sit and listen—you’ll workshop your customized program during the modules so that by the end of the workshop videos, you’ll have your first 6-week training block wholly built out and ready to take with you into your next workout session. 

All 100% Customized to YOU.

I’ve Seen More Results In This Last Year of BYW Lifting Than In The Previous 4 Years Following Generic Programs From Other Fitness Apps.”

Why You Can’t Afford To Miss Out On Build Your Workouts

Let's compare your options...

“I learned more about effective programming from BYW than the $900 NASM Certified Personal Trainer course.”

-Katie B.

Build Your Workouts is Essential.

Dive into your life-long access to the program material whenever you have time, and you'll have everything you need to assemble a training program customized to YOUR schedule, goals, and body type.

You'll also be able to update and change that workout as your goals change—all without having to spend another dollar.

When you finally start seeing your hard work pay off in your progress photos, imagine how proud you will feel because YOU did it!

If you want my help and guidance in maximizing your workout time, your investment is just $299.

By passing up on this one-time offer, are you really saying that feeling confident in the gym and your body is NOT worth $299? 

Let’s hope not!

So, if you are ready to stop wasting your time with cookie-cutter programs that don’t help you build muscle, Build Your Workouts is for you.

Which of These Results Would You Like?

"My Physical Therapist Was So Impressed By My Leg Day Block!"

"I Wasted So Much Time In The Gym Before Build Your Workouts"

“I Went From Spending 2 Hours In The Gym To Only Spending 40 Minutes AND Getting Better Results

Ready to have similar results?

Join me!

In addition to the core program material, I've added some fantastic bonuses to make building your workout plan as simple and easy as possible.

You'll Get These BYW Bonuses:

Safe Form Video Vault

Performing each lift properly with safe lifting techniques is necessary to build muscle and minimize your risk of injury. That’s why I have a video library guiding you through every lift, ensuring each movement is safe and effective.

“Ask A Trainer” Community

Sometimes, you need a form check, someone to ask about technique or just some reassurance that you’re on the right path. That’s why you’ll get lifetime access to our “Ask A Trainer” Community. You’ll never be alone in your journey and will have access to personalized support that truly addresses your needs.

Ultimate Home Gym Guide

You may prefer to work out from home (with BYW, you can build an effective workout plan for the gym or at home), and you want to expand your arsenal of equipment to give yourself more options. If you’re like most, figuring out which equipment is worth investing in and in what order can be overwhelming. My Ultimate Home Gym Guide will make building your home gym as easy as 1, 2, 3.

How To Progressive Overload Without Adding Weight

At the end of BYW, you’ll understand progressive overload and how to apply it to your workout program. But if you work out at home and have access to limited equipment, you may not be able to continue increasing your weights, so how will you continue to progressive overload? Plenty of other ways to progressive overload won’t require you to spend hundreds of dollars on more equipment, and I reveal those little-known tips in this guide.

How To Overcome Gym Intimidation

You're not alone if you’ve ever felt out of place among the weights and machines! In this BONUS audio, I offer practical strategies, mindset shifts, and motivational insights to help you navigate the gym environment quickly and confidently.

In addition to the core program material, we’ve added some fantastic bonuses to make building your workout plan as simple and easy as possible.

You'll Get These BYW Bonuses

Safe Form Video Vault

Performing each lift properly with safe lifting techniques is necessary to build muscle and minimize your risk of injury. That’s why I have a video library guiding you through every lift, ensuring each movement is safe and effective.

“Ask A Trainer” Community

Sometimes, you need a form check, someone to ask about technique or just some reassurance that you’re on the right path. That’s why you’ll get lifetime access to our “Ask A Trainer” Community. You’ll never be alone in your journey and will have access to personalized support that truly addresses your needs.

Ultimate Home Gym Guide

You may prefer to work out from home (with BYW, you can build an effective workout plan for the gym or at home), and you want to expand your arsenal of equipment to give yourself more options. If you’re like most, figuring out which equipment is worth investing in and in what order can be overwhelming. My Ultimate Home Gym Guide will make building your home gym as easy as 1, 2, 3.

How To Progressive Overload Without Adding Weight

At the end of BYW, you’ll understand progressive overload and how to apply it to your workout program. But if you work out at home and have access to limited equipment, you may not be able to continue increasing your weights, so how will you continue to progressive overload? Plenty of other ways to progressive overload won’t require you to spend hundreds of dollars on more equipment, and I reveal those little-known tips in this guide.

How To Overcome Gym Intimidation

You're not alone if you’ve ever felt out of place among the weights and machines! In this BONUS audio, I offer practical strategies, mindset shifts, and motivational insights to help you navigate the gym environment quickly and confidently.

Why Our Clients Love

Build Your Workouts

Is There A Guarantee?

After serving over 4,000 students, I’m so confident that Build Your Workouts works (if you work it, of course) that I do not offer any refunds.

Why? Because the last thing I want to do is attract the type of people just looking to grab content and get a refund. I want to work with committed individuals hungry to learn and willing to do the work. So, if you still doubt whether you can do it or if BYW will work for you, then maybe this program isn’t right for you.

Melissa's Story

The Real "Secret Sauce" That Makes BYW So Transformative…

"I started Build Your Workouts in September 2019 after working out at home for two months. My history with working out has been very hit-and-miss and the last 10+ years were mostly spent not working out. Lifting weights was foreign to me and not something I ever really considered. When I would choose to workout, I always thought cardio was the only option for me.

I tried running—hated it. I tried the Bowflex treadclimber—zero aesthetic results, so I gave up. I did Beachbody On Demand for about 6 months but didn’t enjoy following along on a TV or computer, and eventually, that fizzled out.

Everything changed when I joined BYW.

Since starting Build Your Workouts, I have consistently worked out at least 4 days/week for over a year.

I love the control and empowerment I have been given in my journey.

I went from identifying as someone who “didn’t enjoy working out” to a “weightlifter."

The program gave me the knowledge to be confident in my own ability to create training cycles that aligned with my goals and lifestyle. Not only have I gained physical strength and aesthetic changes, but I have gained so much mental strength. I no longer tell myself I can’t do something because it seems hard. I look at that heavier weight and can’t wait to prove to myself that I am stronger than the time before. And the fact that I have accomplished all of this from the comfort of my own home is so amazing!

My young children witness their mother making herself a priority, practicing self-care, and being an example to them."

- Melissa P.

Melissa's Story

The Real "Secret Sauce" That Makes BYW So Transformative…

"I started Build Your Workouts in September 2019 after working out at home for two months. My history with working out has been very hit-and-miss and the last 10+ years were mostly spent not working out. Lifting weights was foreign to me and not something I ever really considered. When I would choose to workout, I always thought cardio was the only option for me.

I tried running—hated it. I tried the Bowflex treadclimber—zero aesthetic results, so I gave up. I did Beachbody On Demand for about 6 months but didn’t enjoy following along on a TV or computer, and eventually, that fizzled out.

Everything changed when I joined BYW.

Since starting Build Your Workouts, I have consistently worked out at least 4 days/week for over a year.

I love the control and empowerment I have been given in my journey.

I went from identifying as someone who “didn’t enjoy working out” to a “weightlifter."

The program gave me the knowledge to be confident in my own ability to create training cycles that aligned with my goals and lifestyle. Not only have I gained physical strength and aesthetic changes, but I have gained so much mental strength. I no longer tell myself I can’t do something because it seems hard. I look at that heavier weight and can’t wait to prove to myself that I am stronger than the time before. And the fact that I have accomplished all of this from the comfort of my own home is so amazing!

My young children witness their mother making herself a priority, practicing self-care, and being an example to them."

- Melissa P.

Frequently Asked Questions About

Build Your Workouts

What if I’ve been trying to build muscle for a long time but have never been successful?

Often, the struggle to build muscle stems from one of two issues:

(1) using a program that wasn’t explicitly designed to build muscle or

(2) using a program that wasn’t tailored to your individual needs.

Build Your Workouts addresses both challenges by providing strategies specifically for women seeking a personalized workout program focusing on muscle development. Whether you’re aiming for a toned appearance or want to maximize muscle growth, this program will guide you through the process in a straightforward, effective manner.

I feel like I’m wasting time in the gym. Will this program help?

Absolutely. As a busy woman, you invest valuable time and energy into your workouts. The last thing you want to do is waste that time and energy, right?

Often, the issue lies in the workout plan itself—it may not align with your goals to tone your body or build muscle.

With Build Your Workouts, you'll gain the assurance that every minute you spend in the gym is effectively pushing you toward your fitness goals.

What if I don’t have a gym membership and my home equipment is limited?

The program's name says it all: Build Your Workouts, not "Build Your Workouts, But Only In a Gym."

BYW is designed to adapt to whatever equipment you have—or don’t have. You don’t need a barbell to see results (though it’s a plus if you have one!).

You'll need at least a set of dumbbells to effectively use the progressive overload techniques I teach in Build Your Workouts. This ensures you can progress and meet your fitness goals, whether working out at home or elsewhere.

What equipment will I need?

Start with what you have available! If you don’t own any equipment yet, you can begin with bodyweight exercises while you explore your options. To maximize the benefits of your training, you should aim to have access to heavy, medium, and light dumbbells — "heavy" being relative to your current strength level.

As you progress, you can expand your home gym at your own pace, adding pieces that fit your workout needs. Additionally, Build Your Workouts includes a special bonus that guides you through gradually building your gym, one piece of equipment at a time. This way, you can create a personalized fitness space that supports your fitness journey.

Sounds great, but I need to lose weight before lifting.

I understand—it's a common belief that weight loss primarily involves reducing caloric intake and increasing cardio.

However, lifting weights is not something to postpone until after you've lost fat; it's a crucial tool for fat loss.

Muscle tissue is more metabolically active than fat tissue, meaning the more muscle you build, the more calories you burn daily. Incorporating weight training into your routine can accelerate your fat loss. If weight training isn't currently part of your plan, this might be why you're not seeing the progress you desire. Let’s change that and optimize your fitness journey with Build Your Workouts.

What if I have zero desire to write my own programming….is there still value for me inside Build Your Workouts?

Abso-freakin-lutely. Even if you aren't interested in creating your own workout programs, understanding what makes a program effective is crucial. Without this knowledge, it's easy to fall into the trap of following routines that don't lead to the changes you want to see in your body.

Many programs promise muscle building but fail to deliver results. It’s similar to buying a car: you don't need to know everything about how cars work, but you should understand the differences between models to make an informed decision. Build Your Workouts will empower you to discern which programs are effective, making you a smarter fitness consumer.

What if I don't like BYW? Can I get a refund?

After serving over 4,000 students, I’m so confident that Build Your Workouts works (if you work it, of course) that I do not offer any refunds. Why? Because the last thing we want to do is attract the type of people just looking to grab content and get a refund.

I want to work with committed individuals hungry to learn and willing to do the work. So, if you still doubt whether you can do it or if BYW will work for you, then maybe this program isn’t right for you.

Programming seems complicated. Can I do this?

It's common to feel that programming is overwhelming—many trainers in the fitness industry perpetuate this idea to sell their services. However, the truth is, it's more accessible than you might think!

In the Build Your Workouts program, I'll guide you through the fundamental principles and provide easy-to-use plug-and-play templates. These tools simplify the process, so if you can fill in the blanks, you'll confidently craft your first 6-week training plan.

I want to make sure I’m getting a good deal, isn’t this kind of expensive?

It's great to hear you're careful with your finances—I value careful spending, too, and always compare options to ensure I get the best deal. 

Let’s consider your choices:

  • Doing nothing different: This might seem free, but it comes with its own costs. If you face challenges like stagnant fat loss, low confidence, or feeling stuck, those won't improve independently. The actual cost here is potentially never achieving your fitness goals.
  • Subscribing to a generic $30/month workout program: Initially, this seems economical. However, without understanding what constitutes an effective program, you might end up spending $30 a month and countless hours on routines that don’t build muscle. After a year, you could spend $360 and see no significant progress.
  • Customized programming from a coach or personal trainer: This can be highly effective but often at a steep price. I spent nearly $200 a month for three years—that's $7,200—with a personal coach. While effective, it's a substantial investment. And since not everyone is ready to drop $7K on their workouts, let’s move on to option number 4.
  • Investing $299 in BYW: This one-time investment arms you with the knowledge to create or evaluate any workout program for its effectiveness. It is not only the most budget-friendly option, but it also equips you with lifelong skills.

When considering these options, investing in BYW seems like the most cost-effective and smartest choice in the long run.

If I’m not new to lifting, will this program still be beneficial?

That depends on what you mean when you say, “not new to lifting.” If you're already proficient in creating customized training programs, understand progressive overload, can determine the appropriate number of reps and sets, and know how to integrate compound and isolation lifts effectively—as well as balance cardio with weight training specific to your body type—then Build Your Workouts probably isn’t for you.

However, if by "not new to lifting" you mean you're familiar with the gym environment but haven't seen the results you expected, then this program is definitely for you.

Build Your Workouts is designed to bridge any gaps in your current routine so that the time you spend working out actually changes your body composition.

How much time must I commit to my workouts for this program to be effective?

As a working mom, I completely understand that your time is valuable. Heck, that’s precisely why I want to ensure the time you spend in the gym is effective - you don’t have time to waste! Build Your Workouts is designed to adapt flexibly to your schedule. You can create an effective workout program with as little as 30 minutes twice a week.

This program teaches you how to maximize these sessions to build muscle and meet your fitness goals efficiently. Whether you have limited time or can devote more hours to your fitness, this program will guide you in constructing workouts that fit into your busy life.

So….is this program as simple as me paying you to create a program for me?

No, Build Your Workouts goes beyond just providing a ready-made program. If you're looking for a program to follow directly, I offer several options on my website that you can purchase. However, Build Your Workouts is unique because it equips you with the knowledge and tools to design your own customized workout plan.

By the end of this program, you'll not only have a tailored plan that fits your specific goals and lifestyle, but you'll also feel genuinely empowered and excited to see the progress in your photos.

Don’t Wait to Optimize Your Workouts!

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